Hi, fellas! I'm sure that after you've known all about me, you want to know more again, then. Please insert 2 more coins :p
Owkaaay, I'll give you plenty of those. I come from a nice and warm family. I have my father and my mother whom I love, and two crazy sisters whom I freaking heart! (they are: @ritapusar and @RinaChairnn)
But, secretly, I wanna tell you that actually, there's one more sibling that I have. I knew that she is my twin when I met her on thestreet concert. She's so lovely and kinda me looks-a-like :p
Who is she? Who is she??? WHO. IS. SHEEE???
Sabar woy! Ya, dia tak lain dan tak bukan adalahOMASWATI HAYLEY NICHOLE WILLIAMS! :* (@yelyahwilliams)
Hah? Darimana miripnya, Nyong? -_-
Ga percaya lo? Nih liat aja sendiri:
Dia cantik...
Dia pintermegang mic nyanyi...
And, her smile is so gorgeous!
Diaamit-amit cantik sampe pada ga kuat liatnya, makanya gue sensor...
Dia pintermangap-mangap doang nyanyi, bahkan konser di WESE... =))
And, her smile is so disgusting!
TUH!!! Mirip kan? Apa kata gue? ;;)
Emang sih nasib kita beda (ooooo, cediiiih) tapi muka juga tetep beda kok. Udah lah mi, ngarep banget deh lo. -________-
Sebenernya sih tulisan gue yang ada di atas tadi ketauan banget ya boongnya? Ya iyalah, gue belom pernah nonton konser diaaaa HAHAHA and I always envy my sister who have watched her with the band, PARAMORE. :')
She's actually my role model and I'm enjoying all her musics and songs. Also, her voice is really awesome for a girl! And there would be more than a million reasons I'll give you, if you're asking me why I love her!!! -Parawhore-
Owkaaay, I'll give you plenty of those. I come from a nice and warm family. I have my father and my mother whom I love, and two crazy sisters whom I freaking heart! (they are: @ritapusar and @RinaChairnn)
But, secretly, I wanna tell you that actually, there's one more sibling that I have. I knew that she is my twin when I met her on the
Who is she? Who is she??? WHO. IS. SHEEE???
Sabar woy! Ya, dia tak lain dan tak bukan adalah
Hah? Darimana miripnya, Nyong? -_-
Ga percaya lo? Nih liat aja sendiri:
Dia cantik...
Dia pinter
And, her smile is so gorgeous!
Dia pinter
And, her smile is so disgusting!
TUH!!! Mirip kan? Apa kata gue? ;;)
Emang sih nasib kita beda (ooooo, cediiiih) tapi muka juga tetep beda kok. Udah lah mi, ngarep banget deh lo. -________-
Sebenernya sih tulisan gue yang ada di atas tadi ketauan banget ya boongnya? Ya iyalah, gue belom pernah nonton konser diaaaa HAHAHA and I always envy my sister who have watched her with the band, PARAMORE. :')
She's actually my role model and I'm enjoying all her musics and songs. Also, her voice is really awesome for a girl! And there would be more than a million reasons I'll give you, if you're asking me why I love her!!! -Parawhore-
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